[Math] Distance from Point to Line in 3D


So I have the following 3D co-ordinates that marks the start and end point of a line:

$\left(\begin{array}{c}1\\ 1\\1\end{array}\right)$ $\left(\begin{array}{c}-1\\ -1\\1\end{array}\right)$

The point from where I need to find the distance is given by:

$\left(\begin{array}{c}\sqrt{1/8}\\ \sqrt{1/8}\\\sqrt{3/4}\end{array}\right)$

Is it possible to do it using vector algebra? I am actually writing a computer program where this needs to be implemented, what will be the simplest formula to do it?

Thanks and regards.

Best Answer

You can express any point on the line as $$v = a + \lambda (b-a)$$

Now, the point which will have smallest distance will be foot of perpendicular from given point to the line. Hence, we find $\lambda$ for which $$(v-p).(b-a)=0 $$ $$\implies ((a-p)+\lambda(b-a)).(b-a)=0$$ $$\implies \lambda = \frac{(p-a).(b-a)}{|b-a|^2}$$

Hence, we can obtain $v$, and to find distance, we simply do $$d=|v-p|$$

This should be easy enough to implement in code