[Math] Distance between point and plane – why use the dot product

linear algebravector-spacesvectors

So according to this, the signed distance between a point and a plane will be the dot product of the plane's normal vector (does it have to be a unit vector?) and the point-in-plane minus the point vector.

I searched everywhere and I can't find a good explanation on why does the dot product give the correct answer. I even studied a little bit more about the dot product itself and I came to know that the dot product of a * b is like multiplying the magnitudes of the vectors that go on the same direction. This still doesn't help me understand my problem.

If it matters, I encountered this problem as a programmer.

Best Answer

I assume you are referring to the shortest distance between a point in $\mathbb R^3$ and a plane. This is given by the orthogonal projection of a line into another line, i.e., projecting a line from the origin into the plane into the normal vector of the plane. The formula for this orthogonal projection uses the dot product.

Here is an example: http://mathinsight.org/distance_point_plane_examples

In this graph, you are projecting the vector $QP$ joining the yellow point $Q$ in the plane with the red point $P$ , into the normal vector $n$ of the plane. This projection gives you the shortest distance, and (the length of) this projection is given by the formula $$\frac {||n.P||}{||n||} $$, where $||(x,y,z)||:=\sqrt{(x^2+y^2+z^2)}$. This is where the dot product comes into play. For more on the ortho projection:
