[Math] Distance between point and arc

geometrypolar coordinatestrigonometry


  • $c$ = center of rotation for arc
  • $\theta$ = arc angle
  • $r$ = radius of arc
  • $R$ = some constant threshold
  • 2 dimensions
  • Arc always swept out from the origin.
  • $P$ = some arbitrary point.

I need to calculate the shortest distance from some arbitrary point with respect to two arcs : $ (r – R) \theta$ and $(r + R) \theta$, such that the distance returned is the closest distance of the point from either of these arcs.

Excuse the poor drawing, I'm not well versed in the digital tools to illustrate the problem, but my preview seems clear.

I can think of a way involving discretizing the two arcs into points, and taking the distance of the point to each of those discrete points, taking the minimum of those distances, and then taking the minimum of the two minimum distances of the point from the two arcs, but this is an approximate solution, and I am looking for an exact solution.

What is the general exact solution to this problem?

Best Answer

If the arcs are concentric, I would translate $c$ and $P$ such that $c\to 0$ and $P\to P'$. Then $d=\min(||P'|-(r-R)|,||P'|-(r+R)|).$