[Math] Distance between incenter and centroid


i have problem about solving this homework
In any given triangle find the distance between the centroid and the incenter .
I have no idea which properties to use to find it can you help me please 🙁

Best Answer

This is simple to tackle through exact barycentric coordinates: $$ G=\frac{A+B+C}{3},\qquad I=\frac{aA+bB+cC}{a+b+c} \tag{1}$$ give: $$ 3(a+b+c)(G-I) = (b+c-2a) A + (a+c-2b) B + (a+b-2c) C \tag{2}$$ and by assuming that the origin is in the circumcenter $O$ we get:

$$ 9(a+b+c)^2\left\|G-I\right\|^2 = 6R^2(a^2+b^2+c^2-ab-ac-bc)+\ldots \tag{3}$$ that boils down to a quite complicated expression.