[Math] Distance between a point and closed set in finite dimensional space


Let $X$ be a linear normed space.
I need to prove that $X$ is finite dimensional normed space if and only if for every non empty closed set $C$ contained in $X$ and for every $x$ in $X$ the distance $d(x,C)$ is achieved in specific $c$. I know how to prove the direction which assumes $X$ is finite dimensional (use Riesz lemma) but I dont know what to do in the other direction.

Best Answer

Suppose $X$ infinite dimensional. Then the unit sphere $S$ is not compact (Riesz theorem), and therefore there is a sequence $x = (x_n)_n$ on $S$ without accumulation points. Denote by $x'$ the new sequence defined by $x_n' = (1 + \frac{1}{n})x_n$.

Since $x'$ and $x$ have the same accumulation points, $x'$ doesn't have any. So the set $C$ of the values of $x'$ is closed.

Now $d(0, C) = 1$, and there is no point in $C$ of norm $1$.

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