[Math] Discrete Math – “No computer science students are engineering students”

discrete mathematicslogic

Struggling with a homework problem here and can't understand logically which one would be correct (each has different truth tables). I need to express the following statement using quantifiers, variables, and the predicates M(s), C(s), and E(s)

"No computer science students are engineering students"

D = set of all students

C(s) = "s is a computer science major"

E(s) = "s is an engineering student"

So I'm stuck between,

$\forall s \in D, C(s) \implies \lnot E(s)$


$\forall s \in D, \lnot C(s) \land E(s)$

Best Answer

The first example says "All computer students are not engineering students". People who are not computer students are free to be maths students or not be maths students.

The second one says "All students are not computer students and they have to be engineering students".

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