Discrete Mathematics – Hasse Diagrams Explained

discrete mathematicsorder-theory

This is one of many questions of similar type I have to do for an assignment and im troubled with what to do. The question is as follows:

Consider a relation R defined on the set A = {−7, −6, −5, −4, −3, −2,
−1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}. Determine for the following if the
relations are reflexive, symmetric, anti-symmetric, transitive,
partial orders, equivalence relations. (a) R = {(a, b)|a ≤ b}, if this
is a partial order, draw the Hasse diagram.

I understand the definitions of what symmetric, anti-symmetric, reflexive and transitive are but im troubled with understanding a partial order. Also how can one draw a hasse diagram? Is there any logic/rules to apply?


Best Answer

To draw a Hasse diagram of a finite poset follow the algorithm below, but first notice that on any finite poset $P$, given $x,y\in P$ such that $x\neq y$, then $x$ and $y$ aren't comparable or there is a chain of covers from one to the other.

Now for the algorithm: Let $x,y,z\in P$

  1. To each $p\in P$ associate a point $(a_p,b_p)$ on the euclidean plane in such a way that $x<y$, then $b_x<b_y$, if $x\neq y$.
  2. If $x$ is covered by $y$, then draw a line from $(a_x,b_x)$ to $(a_y,b_y)$.
  3. Ensure that, if $x\neq z\neq y$, $(a_z, b_z)$ is not in the line that goes from $(a_x,b_x)$ to $(a_y,b_y)$.
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