[Math] Discrete Math – Combinatorics question about number of paths in an m x n lattice from one corner to another

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematics

Explain why the number of shortest paths in an $m \times n$ lattice from one corner to another is
$${s \choose r}$$
$$s = \text{total # of steps$\qquad$ and $\qquad r= $ total # of right steps}$$

I realize $r$ could also be total number of $up$ steps and I realize the solution needs to be explained recursively, that is, I realize that it resembles pascal's triangle where the number of shortest paths to one point is the sum of the shortest number of paths to the 2 points before that point, but I'm not sure where to go from there or how to explain it clearly. It's for a paper and I'm not sure how to set it up.

In addition, by shortest path I mean one where the number of moves is (m-1) + (n-1).

Best Answer

This is a well known problem. First, it's clear that an optimum path (from Left-Down to Right-Up) must have only Left and Up steps. Then, note that all optimum paths have $s=r+s$ steps with $r$ right and $u$ up steps, with $r$ $u$ fixed (given by $m-1$ and $n-1$). Then, you can establish a one-to-one map between each optimum path and a binary sequence with $r$ zeroes and $u$ ones. But there are ${s \choose r}$ such sequences.