Arithmetic Functions – Dirichlet Convolution of the Mobius Function with Itself


I am attempting to find a formula for $$(\mu * \mu)(n)$$ where * represents the Dirichlet Convolution operator. I know this can be expressed as $$\sum_{d|n} \mu(d)\mu(\frac{n}{d})$$ but I'd like the formula to not include any sums over divisors. I know it will be necessary to include information about the factorization of n, but I'm not sure how. For reference, $$\mu(n)= \begin{cases}0,&\text{if $n$ has one or more repeated prime factors}\\1,&\text{if $n$=1}\\(-1)^k,&\text{if $n$ is a product of $k$ distinct primes}\end{cases}$$
Some initial thoughts: the Dirichlet Convolution of two multiplicative functions is multiplicative, and since $$\mu(n)$$ is multiplicative, then so is $$(\mu * \mu)(n)$$
Any information to point me in the right direction on this will be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

As you say, this is multiplicative. This means that once you know how to calculate it for numbers of the form $p^a$ you can calculate it for arbitrary $n$ by writing $n$ as a product of powers of different primes $p^aq^b\cdots$, and then multiplying the corresponding values $(\mu*\mu)(n)=((\mu*\mu)(p^a))((\mu*\mu)(q^b))\cdots$.

If $a=1$, $\sum_{d\mid p}\mu(d)\mu(p/d)=-2$ (the two factors each contribute $-1$). If $a=2$, $\sum_{d\mid p^2}\mu(d)\mu(p^2/d)=1$, since the only way for $\mu(d)\mu(p^2/d)$ to be non-zero is if $d\leq p$ and $p^2/d\leq p$, which requires $d=p$. If $a>2$ then $\sum_{d\mid p^a}\mu(d)\mu(p^2/d)=0$, since for each term in the sum either $d$ or $p^a/d$ is divisible by $p^2$.

So your function is $0$ if $n$ is divisible by the cube of any prime. Otherwise it is $(-2)^k$, where $k$ is the number of primes that divide $n$ exactly once (i.e. their squares do not divide $n$).

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