[Math] Direction of gradient from level surface


In the diagram below, we see a level surface with a gradient.

As a consequence of the multivariable chain rule, the gradient is normal to the surface. That's clear to me.

Why is the gradient pointing outward rather than into the sphere?

I understand that if it were, it would be a negative gradient, but that's a consequence, not an explanation.

Why does the gradient have to point away from a level set rather than into it?

Level surface with gradient

Best Answer

Gradient points towards the direction in which function value is increasing (in maximum sense). I guess the value of the function is increasing as you move away from the origin as I can see from the level curves. Hence it is pointing away from the origin.


Say you are in mountain, then all rings at constant heights are level curves. Now the gradient is the direction in which if you move the value of the function (the height) will increase, also if you take the negative gradient direction, you will start descending. Question is why it happens.

The answer lies in how slope is defined. Take one variable case, say $\frac{\partial f}{\partial x} $, if this is positive then going along the direction of the slope (i.e. increasing $x$) will increase the value of my function. If the slope is negative, the function value will start increasing as we move along the slope (in -ive $x$ direction, remember the slope is negative) . The similar analogy applies to multivariable case.

Please refer a good text (may be Thomas), first learn how slope is defined in arbitrary direction, and then see how it applies in gradient case (using dot product).

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