[Math] direct limit of finitely generated submodule


if $A$ is a module,then the family fin($A$) of all the finitely generated submodules of $A$ is a directed set and direct limit of$M_i$ is isomorphic to$A$. for prove this needed to define to injection from $M_j$ to $M_i$.is it true define inclusion map for injection?this means that $M_i$=$\sum_1^n Rm_i $ st $m_i$ are generator of $M_i$. define $\Gamma_i^j:$$M_j\to M_j$ if $M_j$$\subseteq M_i$?if we define it then the direct limit of $M_i$ is$\oplus _i$$M_i$.how to show thae $A \cong \oplus _i$$M_i$?

Best Answer

Order the set of finitely generated sub-$A$-modules of $M$ by inclusion. This gives you a directed system $(S,\subseteq)$ of (finitely generated) sub-$A$-modules of $M$, and the direct limit of this set is isomorphic to $M$. You can see this as simply saying that the union of all finitely generated submodules of $M$ is equal to $M$, which is intuitively trivially true indeed.

Indeed, it is injective, as if you are zero in the limit/union of the $M'$'s for $M'\in S$, it means that you are zero in some $M'\in S$, and this means that you are zero. It is surjective because any element $m$ of $M$ is an $M'$ such that $M'\in S$ : just take for $M'$ the sub-$A$-module of $M$ generated by $m$.

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