[Math] Direct (inductive) limit of groups


Let $(I,\prec)$ be a directed poset and $\{G_i\}_{i \in I}$ groups with group homomorphisms $f_{ij}:G_i \to G_j$ whenever $i \prec j$. Is is true that the direct limit of this system is given by
G := \left (\bigsqcup_{i \in I} G_i \right ) / \sim
$$ where $(g,i) \sim (h,j)$ if and only if there exists a $i,j \prec k$ with $f_{ik}(g) = f_{jk}(h)$. The multiplication is given by
[(g,i)][(h,j)] = [f_{ik}(g) f_{jk}(g)]
$$ for $i,j \prec k$. It can be checked that all of this is well defined.

I did the same construction for modules over a ring and hence also for abelian groups and rings.

My question: Is $G$ indeed a group (also when the $G_i$ are not assumed to be abelian) and hence a directed limit of the given system ?

Best Answer

Yes. It is straight forward to check the group axioms; they are inherited from the $G_i$. This construction can be found in every book which treats direct limits (which is the wrong name for directed colimits) and of course Wikipedia.