Dirac Delta – Dirac Delta Function and Lebesgue-Measurability

dirac delta

Baaquie, in "Quantum Finance", states that the Dirac Delta function is unmeasurable, since it "has support on a set that has zero measure"enter image description here

What is a "support"? What kind of mathematical object is it (e.g. function, set, relation, point…)? Why does having support on a set with zero measure makes it Lebesgue-unmeasurable?

Best Answer

I think that part of your confusion comes from the fact that the action of the $\delta$-distribution (functional) on a test function is written by the use of the integral sign. In fact, you should think of this integral $$\int\limits_{-\infty}^{+\infty}{dx f(x)\delta (x-a)}$$ just as a symbol (a notation). It is not a real integral and the integrants are not real functions ($\delta(x-a)$). To avoid confusion, it should be written with the usual notation for duality product: $\langle \delta(x-a),f\rangle=\langle \delta_a,f\rangle =f(a)$.

Many distributions can be indeed represented by an integral and a Lebesgue measurable function: If $\phi$ is a distribution and $g\in L_{loc}^1(\mathbb R)$, for which $\langle \phi, f\rangle=\int\limits_{-\infty}^{+\infty}{g(x)f(x)dx}$, for all test functions $f$ then the distribution $\phi$ is identified with the locally integrable function $g$ (in fact every $g\in L_{loc}^1(\mathbb R)$ defines a distribution by the above integral) and often it is used the same letter for the distribution and the function, i.e often it will be written like $\langle \phi, f\rangle=\int\limits_{-\infty}^{+\infty}{\phi(x)f(x)dx}$. Such distributions, which can be represented by the above integral are called regular. It is well known that the $\delta$ distribution is not regular, i.e it can not be expressed in terms of integral with the use of some locally integrable function $g$. But still many authors prefer to use the integral representation like for the regular distributions in order to keep an unified notation and way of exposition. Therefore, the integral $\int\limits_{-\infty}^{+\infty}{dx f(x)\delta (x-a)}$ is just a symbol, and is understood as if there was really a locally integrable function $\delta(x-a)$ for which $\langle \delta(x-a),f\rangle= \int\limits_{-\infty}^{+\infty}{dx f(x)\delta (x-a)}=f(a)$ (where we again use the same letter for the distribution and the "$L_{loc}^1$-function").

A good reference, that I recommend you to check is "Green functions and boundary value problems" (3-rd edition) by Ivar Stakgold and Michael Holst.

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