[Math] Differentiation under (measure theoretical) integral sign

measure-theoryprobability theoryreference-requestsoft-question

I am looking for a citable reference for the result on differentiation under the integral sign for integration against a measure.

The result states that if $R \subset \mathbb R$, $(X,\mathcal F, \mu)$ is a measure space, and $f: R \times X \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ satisfies:

1) $x \mapsto f(t,x)$ is integrable for all (fixed) $t \in R$.

2) $t \mapsto f(t,x)$ is almost everywhere differentiable for (fixed) $x \in X$.

3) There exists integrable $g: X \rightarrow \mathbb R$ such that

$$ | \partial_t f(t,x) | \leq g(x) $$

Then the function

$$F(t) = \int_X f(t,x) \mu(dx) $$
is differentiable with derivative

$$F'(t) = \int_X \partial_t f(t,x) \mu(dx) $$

Best Answer

I found the answer to your question on p.142 of "Probability Theory: A Comprehensive Course, Ed. 2" by Klenke. Its called the Differentiation Lemma in that text. You've stated, almost word for word, the pre-conditions of that lemma. Here is a link that describes the conditions on exchanging integration and diffeentiation.

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