[Math] Differential Equations, unique solution

ordinary differential equations

Just had a quick question regarding the uniqueness of the general solution of first-order differential equations:

For $x'(t)=Ax(t)$ where $A$ is an $n\times n$ matrix. and initial condition $x(0)=x_0$, the unique solution is $x(t)=e^{tA}x_0$.

The proof for showing that the solution is unique involves differentiating the matrix product $e^{-tA}x(t)$.

Could someone please explain why we always multiply by $e^{-tA}$.

Many thanks,

Best Answer

This is called the method of the integrating factor. In general for $x'=A(t)x+b(t)$, if you have a solution for the matrix equation $F'(t)=A(t)F(t)$, $F(0)=I_n$, also called the fundamental solution, you can, a la variation of constants, set $x(t)=F(t)u(t)$ and either differentiate $u(t)=F(t)^{-1}x(t)$ to \begin{align} u'(t)&=-F(t)^{-1}F'(t)F(t)^{-1}x(t)+F(t)^{-1}x'(t) \\ &=-F(t)^{-1}A(t)x(t)+F(t)^{-1}(A(t)x+b(t)) \\ &=F(t)^{-1}b(t) \end{align} or in the variation of constants fashion compute \begin{align} x'&=F'u+Fu'=AFu+Fu' \\ &=Ax+b \\\\ \implies Fu'&=b \end{align}

For a linear system with constant matrix, $x'(t)=Ax(t)+b(t)$, the fundamental matrix is the matrix expontential $F(t)=e^{tA}$ with derivative $F'(t)=AF(t)=F(t)A$.

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