[Math] Differential Equations: Laplace Transform to Solve Integral Equation

laplace transformordinary differential equations

I'm working through some lectures notes on Differential Equations, and in the Laplace Transform section I've encountered the following problem:


Find a solution to


I'm not really sure how we can apply the Laplace transform here; any assisstance would be greatly appreciated. Regards as always, MM.

Best Answer

Taking the Laplace transform of the left hand side, using the convolution formula on the integral (note the integral is $f\star g$ where $f $ is the identity function and and $g=x$): $${\cal L} \Bigl( x'(t)+\int^{t}_{0}(t-s)x(s)ds\Bigr) = s X(s)-x(0) + {1\over s^2}\cdot X(s). $$

Taking the Laplace transform of the right hand side: $$ {\cal L}\Bigl( t+\frac{1}{2}t^2+\frac{1}{24}t^4 \Bigr)= {1\over s^2}+{1\over 2}{2\over s^3}+{1\over 24}\cdot{24\over s^5}. $$ So, we have: $$ s X(s)-x(0) + {1\over s^2}\cdot X(s)= {1\over s^2}+ {1\over s^3}+ {1\over s^5}. $$

Now solve for $X(s)$ and then take the inverse transform to find $x(t)$.

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