[Math] Differential Equation with a Motorboat

ordinary differential equations

A motorboat and its load weigh 2150N. Assuming the propeller force is constant and equal to 110 newtons and water resistance is equal numerically to 6.7V Newton where V is the velocity at any instant in m/s, and the boat starts from rest determine the speed and the distance traveled at the end of 10 seconds.

Answer is 22.72 m/s

If you layout the freebody diagram we should get the equation:

( am i wrong? maybe freebody diagrams are reserved for things that aren't moving)

 110 = 6.7(dx/dt)

derive if we get 0 = 6.7*acceleration; which is a dead end.

Integrate then:

 110t = 6.7x

plug in 10 seconds in t; I don't get the right answer… What am I supposed to do? Need hint especially how to construct the model/differential equation for this.

Best Answer

Start with Newton's Law of Motion:

$$\sum F=ma$$

The mass of the boat and it's load is $m=\frac{2150}{g}\approx 216.16$

The sum of the forces is $110 - 6.7V$.

Thus, the equation for motion becomes:


Solve using your favorite technique for constant coefficient nonhomogeneous ODE. (The method of undetermined coefficients should suffice.)

Note that the solution to this equation does indeed have $x(10)=22.722\ m$.


The velocity equation is first order, linear.


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