[Math] Differential equation, a square root and substitution

ordinary differential equations

I've got a differential equation to solve: $\frac{dy}{dx} x =\sqrt{x^2 +y^2}$. I substitute $w=\frac{y}{x}$ and I obtain after several steps: $\frac{dw}{\sqrt{1+w^2} -w} = \frac{dx}{x}$, and the integral from left hand side is really unpleasent thing to compute. Do I solve it in the right way? Is my result correct and I should continue doing it this way? Please, can somebody check and help me with solving it?

Best Answer

So your equation is $$ y'x = \sqrt{x^2+y^2} $$ If you do substitution $w = \frac yx$ as you stated you'll get $$ y = wx \\ y' = w'x+w \\ w'x+w = \text{sign}(x)\sqrt{1+w^2} \\ w' = \frac {\text{sign}(x)\sqrt{1+w^2}-w}x \\ \frac {dw}{{\text{sign}(x)\sqrt{1+w^2}-w}} = \frac {dx}x \\ dw \left({\text{sign}(x)\sqrt{1+w^2}+w} \right) = \frac {dx}x \\ \frac {w^2}2 + \int \left (\text{sign}(x)\sqrt{1+w^2} \right) dw = \ln |x| $$ Now do another substitution $$ w = \sinh t \\ dw = \cosh t\ dt \\ \int \left (\text{sign}(x)\sqrt{1+w^2} \right) dw = \text{sign}(x) \int \cosh^2 tdt = \text{sign}(x) \int \frac {1+\cosh 2t}2dt = \\ = \text{sign}(x) \left( \frac t2 + \frac 14 \sinh 2t\right) = \frac{\text{sign}(x)}2\left ( \text{arcsinh }w + w\sqrt{1+w^2}\right) $$ So final equation is $$ w^2 + \text{sign}(x)\left (\text{arcsinh }w + w\sqrt{1+w^2}\right) = \ln x^2 + C $$ I don't think you can go any further than that, so all is left is substitute $y$ and $x$ to the solution. $$ \frac {y^2}{x^2} + \text{arcsinh }(\frac y{|x|}) + y \sqrt{x^2+y^2} - \ln x^2 = C $$

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