Combinatorics – Different Ways of Arranging Balls in Boxes


This question is generalization of different cases of combinatorics problems that are generally asked.
We will find general way of arranging $n$ balls in $r$ boxes. Cases :

  1. Identical Balls.
  2. Distinct Balls. Order considered.
  3. Distinct Balls. Order not considered.

Two cases arise in each case :

  1. Empty boxes allowed.
  2. Empty boxes not allowed.

Please feel free to add any other cases or minor variations you might think can be generalized.

Best Answer


Lets discuss number of non negative integral solutions of the equation :


Lets consider them all natural numbers($0$ not included). The $n$ terms can be written as $1+1+1...$ and thus we can choose $(r-1)$ + signs from $(n-1)$ + signs from right for left. Remaining numbers add and form a solutions together. Hence, number of solutions : $$\text{Empty boxes not allowed}$$ $$\binom{n-1}{r-1}$$

If all numbers are whole numbers($0$ included) :

Add $r$ to both sides to get : $$(a_1+1)+(a_2+1)...(a_r+1)=n+r$$

This does not affect number of solutions to $a_i+1$ which is a natural number now. Hence, number of solutions are : $$\text{Empty boxes allowed}$$ $$\binom{n+r-1}{r-1}$$

Minor Variations :

  1. For similar lower bounds like greater than $1$, proceed according as above and add what you think will make it a natural number.
  2. What if one is an even number?


$$a_2+a_3...a_r=n-2a$$ Number of solutions are :


The sum must go for all possible values of $a$. Proceed for similar cases like multiple of $3$ etc...

. What if I have less than sign?

Introduce a dummy variable and count cases for $r+1$ balls. Note that the dummy variable is a natural number. If the sign is $\le$, it is a whole number. Case 2 :

After doing so much hard work on case 1, it is elementary. Just multiply by $n!$ for each corresponding sub-case. Note that order here implies ball $1$ going before $2$ to box $1$ is different from going after ball $2$.

Suitable application : In how many ways can $10$ people go through $3$ gates wide enough for $1$ person only ?

Answer : Empty boxes allowed. $3$ boxes. $10$ balls. Order considered. Therefore :


Case 3:

Empty boxes allowed :

Every ball has choice to go to $r$ boxes. Hence: $$r^n$$

Note that if you ever get confused what is raised to what, it is $$\text{repeatable}^\text{non-repeatable}$$

This is so because a ball can not be in $2$ boxes. But, a box can have $2$ balls.

Empty boxes not allowed :

By inclusion exclusion, we first count cases $r^n$ then remove where one was empty like : $\binom{r}{1} (r-1)^n$ but then again we remove where 2 were empty from this. As we use $-$ within nested brackets, alternate plus minus will appear :

$$r^n-\binom r 1 (r-1)^n+\binom r 2 (r-2)^n...$$

You can continue till you get $0^\text{something}$.