[Math] Different ordered triples $(a,b,c)$ of non-negative integers

combinatoricsproblem solving

How many different ordered triples $(a,b,c)$ of non-negative integers are there such that $a+b+c=50$?

I tried to list the possibilities but the list is way too long, I know how to find the ordered doubles $(x,y)$ such that $x+y=50$, I just have to list them like:

$(0,50)\\(1,49)\\ \vdots\\(49,1)\\(50,0)$

Which is just simply $(50-0)+1=51$. But this is too long to count. I suppose there's a better way to do this?

Best Answer

Let's try to solve this problem starting from where you're at.

If the question's asking for different ordered doubles such that $x+y=50$ then there're $51$ different ordered pairs. So, the equation that $x+y=n$ can be satisfied by $n+1$ different ordered pairs $(x,y)$:

$$(0,n),(1,n-1),\ldots ,(n-1,1),(n,0)$$

For your case, asking for different ordered triples, we can partition the solution of $a+b+c=50$ into disjoint cases in which $c=0,c=1,\ldots ,c=49,c=50$.

So, if $c=0$, then $a+b=50\implies $ there are $50+1=51$ possible answers for $(a,b,0)$

Now, for $c=1\implies a+b=49\implies $ there are $49+1=50$ possible answers for $(a,b,1)$


So, the general trend is that for each $c=m \implies$ that there are $50-m+1$ ways to choose $a$ and $b$ for that specific $c$.

$\therefore$ There are $51+50+\ldots +3+2+1=\frac{51\times 52}{2}=1326$ different ordered triples.

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