[Math] Difference between Wedge of countable infinite circle and Hawaiian ear ring


Hawaiian ear ring is the union of countable circles at points (0,1/n) with radius 1/n.It seems to me that wedge sum of countable infinite circle is same as Hawaiian ring.But I found that this not true.
I am thinking wedge of countable infinite circle as take a big circle and the put all the rest of the circle subsequently inside one another attaching to a common point,then diagram looks like Hawaiian ring.
I can't figure out what is the difference between them.Can anyone help me in this direction.
My second question is that why Hawaiian ring is not a CW complex but wedge of countable infinite circle is a CW complex?
Thank you.

Best Answer



The Hawaiian earring looks very similar to the wedge sum of countably infinitely many circles; that is, the rose with infinitely many petals, but those two spaces are not homeomorphic. The difference between their topologies is seen in the fact that, in the Hawaiian earring, every open neighborhood of the point of intersection of the circles contains all but finitely many of the circles. It is also seen in the fact that the wedge sum is not compact: the complement of the distinguished point is a union of open intervals; to those add a small open neighborhood of the distinguished point to get an open cover with no finite subcover.


I wrote part of that section myself after this question came up in a comments section here on stackexchange a few years ago.