[Math] Difference between critically damped systems and overdamped systems

graphing-functionsordinary differential equations

Consider a spring system whose equation is given by
$$my''+\mu y'+ky=0$$ and let $D=\mu^2-4mk$. Now there are three cases and I am considering the cases that $D=0$ and $D>0$:

  1. When $D=0$, the solution is of the form $y=(a+bt)e^{rt}$. (Critically damped)
  2. When $D>0$, the solution is of the form $y=c_1e^{r_1t}+c_2e^{r_2t}$. (Overdamped)

While I understand that these two cases are very different and the function $y=(a+bt)e^{rt}$ is very different from the function $y=c_1e^{r_1t}+c_2e^{r_2t}$, it also seems to me that the two functions have very similar graphs (in particular, very similar end behaviours).


  1. Why are the graphs of the solution in these two cases so similar (while in the other case $D<0$, the graph is very different)?
  2. How to tell from the graph whether we have a critically damped system or an overdamped system?

Best Answer

When you write the solution of the overdamped system as $$ \eqalign{ & f(t) = c_{\,1} e^{\,\rho \,t + \omega \,t} + c_{\,2} e^{\,\rho \,t - \omega \,t} = \left( {c_{\,1} e^{\,\omega \,t} + c_{\,2} e^{\, - \omega \,t} } \right)e^{\,\rho \,t} = \cr & = \left( {a\cosh \,\left( {\omega \,t} \right) + b\sinh \,\left( {\omega \,t} \right)} \right)e^{\,\rho \,t} \cr} $$

and impose the initial conditions, for instance for $f(0)$ and $f'(0)$, you get $$ \left\{ \matrix{ f(0) = a \hfill \cr f'(0) = \,\,\rho a + b\omega \quad \Rightarrow \quad b = \;{1 \over w}\left( {f'(0) - \,\,\rho f(0)} \right) \hfill \cr} \right. $$

so $$ f(t) = \left( {f(0)\cosh \,\left( {\omega \,t} \right) + {1 \over w}\left( {f'(0) - \,\,\rho f(0)} \right)\sinh \,\left( {\omega \,t} \right)} \right)e^{\,\rho \,t} $$

Now, if the damping approaches the critical value, that is $\omega \to 0$, then

$$ \bbox[lightyellow] { \mathop {\lim }\limits_{\omega \, \to \,0} f(t) = \left( {f(0) + \left( {f'(0) - \,\,\rho f(0)} \right)t} \right)e^{\,\rho \,t} }$$

And similarly, starting from an under-damped system, where you have normal $\sin $ and $\cos$ instead of the hyperbolic version.

So the critically-damped response is at the frontier between the two, mathematically and physically, and not easy distinguishable at first sight when very near to the critical value.
In fact, the under-damping case will always be evidenced by more or less visible oscillations.
In case of overdamping instead, since for passive system $\rho$ is negative, the exponential decay is prevalent and masking in the long time. In the short time instead, the difference between $\cosh (\omega t)$ and $1$ and $\sinh (\omega t)$ and $\omega t$ is not appreciable.