[Math] Difference between congruence and similarity transformations

linear algebramatrices

I am trying to understand the difference between a "congruence" or "similarity" transformation for two $n \times n$ matrices (which for the sake of simplicity, we'll assume are real). From what I can glean, a similarity transformation represents a change of basis from one orthogonal basis in $\mathbf{R}^n$ to another. My understanding is that a congruence transformation is an isometry, and so, it seems it would represent some geometrical operation like a (rigid) rotation, reflection, etc which preserves angles ad distances (but not necessarily orientation).

If someone can tell me if this is correct or correct any mistakes in my interpretation, I'd be most appreciative.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

From what I can glean, a similarity transformation represents a change of basis from one orthogonal basis in $\mathbb R^n$ to another.

This is incorrect. A similarity transformation $A\mapsto P^{-1}AP$ indeed amounts to a change of basis (in the sense that both matrices represent the same linear map in different bases), but neither the original nor the new basis need be orthogonal. They can be any two bases.

a congruence transformation is an isometry

This is incorrect, or at least imprecise. Matrix congruence transformation $A\mapsto P^T AP$ also amounts to a change of basis, but in the sense that both matrices represent the same quadratic form in different bases. I think you confused the matrix congruence with the notion of congruence of sets in geometry. These are two different things with the same name (and there are more).