[Math] Difference between bezier segment and b-spline


i am currently learning about bezier curves and splines in computergraphics. Where is the difference between a b-spline curve and a curve that consists bezier curves as segments. I have read in a lot of sources that the b-spline has better properties, that you dont change the whole curve but just local segements of it while manipulating control points. With bezier segments, you change the whole curve. Is that right?

Best Answer

There is no difference between a B-spline curve and a curve that consists of Bezier curves as segments because a B-spline curve is a curve that consists of Bezier curves as segments. However, there is indeed differences between a B-spline curve and a Bezier curve. For Bezier curves, changing any control point will affect the shape of entire curve. For B-spline curves, changing any control point will only affect (degree+1) Bezier segments.

B-spline curve is not the only type of curve that consists of Bezier curves as segments. Catmull-Rom spline and cubic Hermite spline are two such examples and both of which can be converted into the form of B-spline curves.