[Math] Difference between Adjoint of a matrix and its transpose

linear algebralinear-transformationstranspose

For simplicity let $T:R^{n}\rightarrow R^{n},$ be a linear operator and $[A]_T$ be the matrix of operator $T.$ Then matrix of adjoint $T^{\times}$ operator of $T$ is given as
$$[A]_{T^{\times}}=[A]_{T}^t$$ where $t$ denotes transpose of a matrix.

My Question is that then from above equality the notions of transpose of a matrix and adjoint of a matrix are same, they why we use separate names?? while in some textbooks adjoint of a matrix is referred to the transpose of coefficient matrix.

Best Answer

In the context of complex vector spaces, they are different: the adjoint matrix is the conjugate of the transpose matrix.