Graph Theory – Difference Between a Subgraph and Induced Subgraph

graph theory

I have the following paragraph in my notes:

If $G=(V,E)$ is a general graph . Let $U\subseteq V$ and let $F$ be a subset of $E$ such that the vertices of each edge in $F$ are in $U$ ,
then $H=(U,F)$ is also a general graph and $H$ is a subgraph of $G$ .

If $F$ consists of all edges of $G$ which have endpoints in $U$ ,then $H$ is called induced subgraph of $G$ and is denoted by $G_U. $

From here both the definition of a subgraph and a induced subgraph seem same to me..
I can't understand what is the difference between them…
Please help with this..

Best Answer

A subgraph $H$ of $G$ is called INDUCED, if for any two vertices $u,v$ in $H$, $u$ and $v$ are adjacent in $H$ if and only if they are adjacent in $G$.

In other words, $H$ has the same edges as $G$ between the vertices in $H$.

A general subgraph can have less edges between the same vertices than the original one.

So, an induced subgraph can be constructed by deleting vertices (and with them all the incident edges), but no more edges. If additional edges are deleted, the subgraph is not induced.