[Math] difference between 2 prime numbers

elementary-number-theorynumber theory

We have to prove that if the difference between two prime numbers greater than two is another prime,the prime is $2$.
It can be proved in the following way.

1)$Odd -odd =even$.

Therefore the difference will always even.

2)The only even prime number is $2$.Therefore the difference will be $2$ if the difference between primes is another prime.

I am looking for more proofs to this theorem.Any help will be appreciated.

Best Answer

The proof you provided is fine way of proving the proposition. Here is an alternate proof, set up as a contradiction,

Suppose that the difference between two odd primes $a=2n+1$ and $b=2m+1$ is an odd prime, $c$.

$$a-b=c \implies (2n+1)-(2m+1)=c \implies 2(n+m)=c$$

Therefore, $2|(a-b)$, a contradiction.

It is therefore impossible for the difference of two odd primes to be an odd. This means that the difference of two odd primes must be even. The only even prime is 2.

So, if the difference of two odd primes is a prime, then it must be two.

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