[Math] Did I minimize the cost correctly


I have a word problem that reads as so

A farmer wants to fence a rectangular part of his land (30,000 square feet). The fenced area is to have one border shared with a neighbor which he wishes to be fancy so he will spend 25 dollars per linear foot on that side where as he will use 5 dollars per linear foot of fencing on the rest. Find the dimensions that will minimize the cost

I set up my equations (x shares the border with the fancy fence)

$ A = xy $

$ C = 25x + 5(x + 2y) = 30x + 10y $

Then I found my x-value

$ x = \frac{30,000}{y} $

Plugged it in

$ C = 30(\frac{30,000}{y}) + 10y = \frac{900,000}{y} + 10y $

Derivative of C

$ C' = \frac{900,000}{y^2} + 10 $

$ -900,000 = -10y^2 $

$ y^2 = 90,000 $

$ y = 300 $

Finally, plugged it into original equation

$ 30,000 = 300x = x = 100 $

I just wanted to check if I've done this right. If not, can you explain where I've gone wrong?

Best Answer

You write:

$C = 30(\frac{30,000}{y}) + 10y = 90,000 = y^2 = y = 300$

Take a good look at that: it says (among other things) that $90,000=300$. Do you really want to say that?

Note too that you’re trying to find an extreme value of something, so you should expect to take a derivative of something.

What you should get from $C=30\left(\frac{30,000}y\right)+10y$ is that $C=\frac{900,000}y+10y$. Now you want to find the value of $y$ that minimizes $C$, so you calculate $\frac{dC}{dy}$, set it to $0$, and solve for critical points. We have


so we set $$-\frac{900,000}{y^2}+10=0$$ and solve: $10y^2=900,000$, $y^2=90,000$, and $y=300$. You still have to check that this critical value yields a minimum of $C$, but that’s easy to do: by inspection $\frac{dC}{dy}$ is negative when $y$ is a little less than $300$ and positive when $y$ is greater than $300$.

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