[Math] Dice throwing probability of three different faces.


A standard six side die is rolled three times.

Find the chance that three different faces appear?

My thoughts:

Probability p(same face pops up is)= $1- P$. You roll first one and record what you get. The probability of next (2) two rolls give you same face is…? My chances of rolling any given face is $1/6$. It does not matter what you get first role the next two rows have to the same as the first one role. Therefore$= (1-(1/6)^2)= 1-(1/6^2)=1-(1/36)$

Best Answer

You’re right that the first roll can be anything and that the probability of getting something different on the second roll is $1-\frac16=\frac56$. However, the third roll has to differ from both of the first two in order for you to get three different numbers, and that happens with probability $\frac46=\frac23$. Moreover, you need to multiply the probabilities, so that even if the correct probability for the third roll were $1-\frac16$, your answer would be $\left(1-\frac16\right)^2=\left(\frac56\right)^2$, not $1-\left(\frac16\right)^2$.

Thus, the actual probability of getting three different numbers is $$\frac56\cdot\frac23=\frac59\;.$$