[Math] Diameter of Three Inscribed Circles


What is the diameter of a circle in which are inscribed three smaller identical circles, two of which are on one side of a chord, the third on the other side? This problem came up when cutting a log into billets for turning table legs. I tried including a diagram but the reputation Nazis won't let me.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Let $r$ be the radius of the small circle, $s$ the distance from the center of the large circle to the chord, and $t$ the distance from the center of the large circle to the center of one of the two small tangent circles:

Log-Cutting Diagram

Clearly $t = r + s$, and also $t^2 = r^2 + \left(r-s\right)^2$, and we have

$$\left( r + s \right)^2 = r^2 + \left( r - s \right)^2$$

so that, after a tiny bit of algebra,

$$4 s = r$$

The radius of the large circle is therefore $2r+s = \frac{9}{4}r$.