[Math] Diameter of $k$-regular graph

graph theory

Given a $k$-regular graph, its diameter is bounded by $O(n/k)$ where $n$ is the number of nodes and $k$ is the degree of each node.

Is there any straight-forward way to prove this result?

Best Answer

I won't give a complete answer, but a hint that should be enough.

Let $d$ be the diameter of a graph $G$ and let $u, v$ be vertices satisfying $dist(u,v) = d$. Now let $S_i$ be the set of vertices $w$ such that $dist(u,w) = i$. Finally, consider a shortest path $P$ between $u$ and $v$.

Remember that $G$ is $k$-regular. Note that the neighbors of the vertex in $S_i \cap P$ need to be in $S_{i-1}$, $S_i$ and $S_{i+1}$ (otherwise you would have a contradiction with the minimality of $P$) and hence $|S_{i-1}| +|S_{i}| + |S_{i+1}| \geq k$. What are the consequences of $|S_{i-1}| + |S_{i}| +|S_{i+1}| \geq k$?

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