[Math] Diagonalization of Matrix with Trigonometric Functions

diagonalizationlinear algebra

Problem statement:

Diagonalize the following matrix:
\cos \theta & \sin \theta \\
\sin \theta & -\cos \theta\\

My attempt:

Ie found that the eigenvalues of this matrix are $\lambda = -1$ or $\lambda = 1$, so I plugged in $\lambda = -1$:

\cos\theta+1 & \sin\theta \\
\sin\theta & -\cos\theta+1 \\
x \\
y \\
= 0

I tried to solve this, but I got $2x\sin\theta=0$. How do I find the eigenvectors?

Best Answer

For $\;\lambda=-1\;$ :

$$\begin{align*}I&\;\;(\cos\theta+1)x+\sin\theta y=0\iff y=-\frac{\cos\theta+1}{\sin\theta}x\\II&\;\;\sin\theta x-(\cos\theta-1)y=0\end{align*}$$

We need only one equation as these two are linearly dependent (proof?), so

$$II\longrightarrow x=\frac{\cos\theta-1}{\sin\theta}y\;\implies\binom {\frac{\cos\theta-1}{\sin\theta}}{y}\;\;\text{is an eigenvector,}\;\;\theta\neq k\pi\;,\;k\in\Bbb Z$$

Something similar happens if $\;\lambda=1\;$

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