Linear Algebra – Diagonalizability of Symmetric Bilinear Forms Over Fields of Characteristic 2

bilinear-formfinite-fieldslinear algebramultilinear-algebraquadratic-forms


A symmetric bilinear form $H$ on a finite dimension vector space $V$
over a field $\mathbb{F}$, where it is not of characteristic two, is


By induction on $\text{dim} \; V=n$.

(induction base) $n=0$. Then it is trivial.

(induction hypothesis) Assume the above statement holds for all
bilinear forms on vector spaces of dimension $n-1$.

(inductive step) Suppose the space $\text{dim} \; V=n$. If the
bilinear form $H=0$, then it is trivial. Hence, assume that $H\neq0$,
then there exists $z \in V$ such that $H(z,z) \neq 0$. Let $W =
and we have $V = W \oplus
. As $\text{dim} \; W=n-1$, the theorem holds
for this space and there is a basis $\beta = \{v_1, …, v_{n-1}\}$
where $H$ is diagonal. Then, by extending the basis we have $\gamma = \beta \cup \{z\} \subset V$. Then we have: $H(v_{i},z) = 0$ for all
$i=0, …, n-1$. Hence, this implies that there exists a basis $\gamma
\subset V$
such that the matrix corresponding to $H$ is diagonal.

Why is the field of characteristic two excluded?

Best Answer

... Hence, assume that $H\neq0$, then there exists $z \in V$ such that $H(z,z) \neq 0$. ...

This is not true in characteristic $2$. Let $\Bbb F$ be any field of that characteristic, and, for example, take $V = \Bbb F^2$ and the bilinear form $H$ with matrix representation $$[H] = \pmatrix{0&1\\1&0}$$ with respect to the standard basis; then, the quadratic form $Q_H : {\bf x} \mapsto H({\bf x}, {\bf x})$ is the zero form. Indeed, we can see directly that $H$ is not diagonalizable: Computing directly for any $P \in \textrm{GL}(2, \Bbb F)$ gives $$P^T [H] P = (\det P) [H],$$ which is not diagonal.

Put another way, it is not true in characteristic $2$ that the map $H \mapsto Q_H$ is injective. In other characteristics it is injective, as we can recover $H$ from $Q$ via the Polarization Identity $$H({\bf x}, {\bf y}) = \tfrac{1}{4}[Q_H({\bf x} + {\bf y}) - Q_H({\bf x} - {\bf y})] ,$$ but in characteristic $2$ one cannot divide by $4$ (which in that setting coincides with $0$).

Remark The above facts imply (since the spaces of symmetric bilinear forms on $V$ and quadratic forms on $V$ both have dimension $\frac{1}{2} (\dim V)(\dim V + 1)$) that (only) in characteristic $2$ there are quadratic forms that are not induced by symmetric bilinear forms (that is, are not in the image of the map $H \mapsto Q_H$); the simplest example is $V = \Bbb F^2$ and $$\pmatrix{x\\y} \mapsto x y .$$

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