[Math] Determining the branch of logarithm

analysiscomplex numberscomplex-analysis

I want to determine a branch of logarithm such that $f(z)=L(z^3-2)$ is analytic at $0$. I am not really sure how to find a branch but I will explain few things I tried.

Since $z^3-2$ maps $0$ onto $-2$, what needs to be done is to find a branch of logarithm which is analytic at $-2$.So if L is a branch of logarithm, by the chain rule we have that $L(z^3-2)$ is analytic at $0$ since $z^3-2$ is analytic at $0$. I just don't know how to proceed from here. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

Best Answer

You can define a logarithm on any simply connected subset of $\mathbb{C}\setminus \{0\}$, so this can for instance be $\mathbb{C} \setminus \mathbb{R}^+$.

This logarithm $L$ is a holomorphic function, so composing it with the holomorphic $z \mapsto z^3-2$ gives a holomorphic function $f$. Holomorphic functions are analytic on their domain, so $f$ will be analytic at $0$ as well as at any point on which it is defined.