[Math] Determine whether the span of one set of vectors contains the span of another set of vectors

linear algebravector-spaces

How can I determine whether the span of a set of vectors (such as $\mathrm{span}\{(3, 1), (4,1), (0,1)\}$ contains the span of another set of vector?

EDIT: I realize that my original question was too vague. If A and B are sets of vectors in $\mathbb{R}^3$, how can you determine whether $\mathrm{span}\{A\}$ contains $\mathrm{span}\{B\}$?

Best Answer

If $M(A)$ is a matrix with the vectors of $A$ as columns and $M(AB)$ is the matrix with the vectors of both $A$ and $B$ as columns, then $span(B) \subset span(A)$ if $rank(M(A))=rank(M(AB))$. Rank is after all the dimension of the column space of a matrix.

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