[Math] Determine whether the set S spans $\mathbb{R^2}$

linear algebra

Here's the question I'm trying to solve:

Determine whether the set $S$ spans $\mathbb{R^2}$:

I know that the answer is that it does not span $\mathbb{R^2}$ because when I attempt to solve the resultant matrix, a row of zeros is produced – indicating that the vectors are linearly dependent and therefore negating the possibility of S being a spanning set.

To explain, a spanning set, specifically in this case, would have to satisfy

From here, a matrix can be formed to solve for $c_1,c_2,c_3$.

That is fine. However, the other part of the question is along the lines of, "if S does not span $\mathbb{R^2}$, give a geometric description of the subspace it does define."

To me, it is intuitive that this would describe a line in $\mathbb{R^2}$. This is because the vectors are clearly multiples of each other, which would indicate they can be found on the same line. Even though that's the case, would would be a mathematical process that would reach the same conclusion?

Any help will be appreciated.

Edit: I should add that I feel that it can describe a line if one concludes that the free variable that will be generated describes a line. For example: $c_1+c_2(t)$ where $t=c_3$.

Best Answer

They're not just on the same line --- they're on the same line through the origin. That's the same as saying each one is a scalar multiple of the others, and that gives you a mathematical process to reach the conclusion.