[Math] Determine whether 2 elements represent the same left H-coset


I just learnt the properties of cosets this week and still very confused. Could anyone help me?

My homework question is:
Determine whether 2 elements represent the same left H-coset

On my text book I have the following properties:
1) $aH=bH$ iff $a \in bH$
2) $aH=bH$ iff $a^{-1}b \in H$

so for example, in order to check if $a^3$ and a represent the same left $H$ coset, I firstly check whether $a^{-1}a=a^{-2}$ in $a^2$? Also, what does $a^{-2}$ in $a^2$ actually mean?

Best Answer

It is the second condition that is used.

For your example, if you want to know if $a^{3}H$ is the same coset as $aH$ you need to work out $a^{-3}a$ and check to see if it belongs to $H$. If it does the cosets will be the same and if it does not then the cosets will be different. Now $a^{-3}a$ is $a^{(-3+1)}=a^{2}$. So you need to check if $a^{2}\in H$.

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