[Math] Determine the number of five-digit integers $(37abc)$ in base 10 such that each of the numbers $(37abc), (37bca)$ and $(37cab)$ is divisible by 37.


This is how I have attempted this problem:
$37abc$,$37bca$ and $37cba$ have to be multiples of $37$. Since they all begin with $37$(which is a multiple of $37$), we need to find a number $abc$ such that $bca$ and $cba$ are also multiples of $37$.
Using the following proof, we can conclude that for all multiples of $37$ less than $1000$, $bca$ and $cba$ are also multiples of $37$:
Let us say $abc$ is a multiple of $37$.

$$abc= 100a+10b+c\;,\tag1$$


Subtracting $2$ from $1$,

$$9(11a-10b-c)\equiv 9(-26a-10b-c)\equiv -9(26a+10b+c) \equiv -9(100a+10b+c) \equiv -9(0) \equiv 0\mod 37\;.$$

Hence, $abc-bca$ is divisible by $37$. Since, $abc$ is divisible by $37$, $bca$ should also be divisible by $37$.
We can prove similarly that $cab$ is also always divisible by $37$ whenever $abc$ is divisible by $37$. Hence for all $abc$'s that are a multiple of $37$, $bca$ and $cab$ are a multiple of $37$. My doubt is what would be the final answer? Is it $27$?

Best Answer

Hint $\,{\rm mod}\ 37\!:\ \color{#c00}{10^3\equiv 1}\,$ so multiplication by $10\,$ does a cyclic shift $\, abc \mapsto bca,\,$ i.e.

$$\begin{eqnarray} abc_{\:\!10} &=&\, 10^2 a +\, 10\:\!\ b + c\\[.3em] \Longrightarrow\ 10\,abc_{\:\!10} &\equiv& \underbrace{\color{#c00}{10^3}}_{\large\color{#c00}1} a + 10^2 b + 10 c \,\equiv\, bca_{\:\!10}\end{eqnarray}\qquad$$

Therefore the problem reduces to counting the number of multiples of $\,37\,$ in the interval $\,[37000,37999].\,$ But your count is one low (a fencepost error).

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