[Math] Determine the number of 2×2 matrix over z3

linear algebramatrices

Number of 2×2 matrix over $z_3$ with determinant 1
I know number of elements in $z_3$ are {0,1,2} now possibly determinant can be 1 in this case

and there can be many more but how to find the exact number of such matrices? "the answer is 24"

Best Answer

First we count the non-singular $2\times 2$ matrices. The first row can be any of the $8$ non-zero vectors. Then the second row can be anything but a multiple of the first row. There are $3$ such multiples. Thus there are $(8)(6)$ non-singular $2\times 2$ matrices.

Mutiplying a row by $2$ multiplies the determinant by $2$, giving a bijection between matrices with determinant $1$ and those with determinant $2$. So there are $24$ with determinant $1$.

Remark: The idea generalizes to larger matrices, and other finite fields.