[Math] Determine the Laplace Transform $(t-1)^4$

laplace transformordinary differential equations

How do I find the Laplace transform of

$ (t-1)^{4} $?

by using properties and a table of common Laplace transforms?

I know I could just turn the equation into a polynomial and use $ t^{n} \to n!/(s^{n+1}) $ , but I want to know if there is a way to do this without turning the equation into a polynomial.

Best Answer

Hint: First write $ (t-1)^{4}=t^4-4t^3+6t^2-4t+1$ and then find the Laplace transform of each term by using the formula you mention above. Or you can directly by using the integral formula for the Laplace transform by substituting and integrating four times together with the use of integration by parts..