[Math] Determine the coordinates of the point where the tangent meets the curve


The line \begin{equation*}y=m(x-m)\end{equation*} is tangent to the curve \begin{equation*}

How do you go about finding the coordinates of the point where they intersect? I differentiated the curve and got \begin{equation*}\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{2}{(1-2x)^2}\end{equation*}

How do I proceed on from this? Do I just equate the derivative to m and plot a graph using Wolfram?

Best Answer

Suppose the line $y=m(x-m)$ touches the curve at the point $(a,b)$. Then the slope of the tangent at $(a,b)$ to the curve $(1-2x)y=1$ must be $m$ as the slope of the line $y=m(x-m)$ is $m$. So by your calculation $$\frac{2}{(1-2a)^2}=m.$$ But $(a,b)$ is a point on the line $y=m(x-m)$, whence $b=m(a-m)$. Now you have two unknowns and two equations. So find $(a,b)$.