[Math] Determine if this matrix can be written as a linear combination of these matrices

linear algebramatrices

Can this matrix be written as a linear combination of these matrices below?


How do I approach this kind of problem? Do I need to start with an augmented matrix form and turn it into a reduced row-echelon form? I'm lost as my textbook doesn't really explain.


Best Answer

There are various ways to determine whether the first matrix can be represented as a linear combination of the others.

The simplest way could be to solve for $a,b,c\in \mathbb{R}$ such that the following is true: $ \begin{bmatrix} -12\\ 12\\ -18\\ -8 \end{bmatrix}=a\begin{bmatrix} 3\\ -3\\ 3\\ 3 \end{bmatrix}+b \begin{bmatrix} 3\\ -2\\ 4\\ 5 \end{bmatrix}+c \begin{bmatrix} 6\\ -5\\ 10\\ 6 \end{bmatrix}$

This can be turned into a system of equations shown below:

$$3a+3b+6c=-12$$ $$-3a-2b-5c=12$$ $$3a+4b+10c=-18$$ $$3a+5b+6c=-8$$

I will leave it up to you to solve for such $a,b,c$.

Another method you can use to approach this problem is to check for linear dependence. You can do this as you said by row-reducing the 4x4 matrix formed by the 4 column vectors.

$ \begin{bmatrix} -12&3&3&6\\ 12&-3&-2&-5\\ -18&3&4&10\\ -8&3&5&6 \end{bmatrix}$ If the row reduction leads you to the identity matrix, then you have a matrix of full rank (none of the column vectors are linearly dependent). However, if you have arrive at a matrix which only has 3 or fewer leading 1s, then you have a matrix whose column vectors are linearly dependent.