[Math] Determine if a matrix is an orthogonal projection matrix

idempotentslinear algebraorthogonalityprojection-matrices

We define an orthogonal projection as a linear transformation that maps a vector into its orthogonal projection in some (given ahead) subspace $W$. Let's call the matrix of that transformation (relative to the standard basis) the orthogonal projection matrix.

Now, suppose I have a matrix $Q$.

Is there a way to determine if $Q$ is an orthogonal projection matrix?

I mean, we can check if $Q^2=Q$ and check if $\text{Null}(Q) \perp \text{Col}(Q)$. Is that sufficient to conclude that $Q$ is a projection matrix?

Best Answer

Yes, with $W:=\operatorname{Col}(Q)$ we have for every $v$, $$ Q(Qv-v)=Q^2v-Qv=0,$$ hence $Qv-v\in\ker Q\subseteq W^\perp$, of course $Qv\in W$, and for $v\in W$ we have $Qv=v$.