[Math] Determine all values of $k$ for which the following matrices are linearly independent in $M_{22}$

determinantlinear algebra

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If we express these matrix vectors as an augmented matrix, we get a row of zeros. If take out this row of zeros we are left with a $3×3$ matrix, is this allowed? We can find values for which the determinant of the matrix is $0$, for which I got $k=-1$ and $k=2$. These values represent the values of $k$ for which the vectors would be linearly dependent.

Is this correct? If there is a row of zeros, can I take it out and find the determinant of the remaining matrix?

Best Answer

Yes. But in general you will not end up with a square matrix, so the appropriate concept is the rank of the matrix (i.e. the number of leading ones in the row-reduced form); for your vectors to be linearly independent it has to agree with the number of vectors.