[Math] Determine a conserved quantity in a dynamical system Lotka-Volterra

calculusdynamical systems

I have a two state dynamical system. The two state variables are $P$ and $Z$ and $a,b,c,d$ are parameters. The system equations are:

\frac{dP}{dt}=a\cdot P-b\cdot PZ=P\left(a-bZ\right), \\
\frac{dZ}{dt}=c\cdot PZ-d\cdot Z=Z\left(cP-d\right).

Multiplying both sides by $\frac{1}{PZ}$ gives:

\frac{dP}{dt}\frac{1}{PZ}=a\frac{1}{Z}-b, \\

Multiplying with the original system equation gives:


Taking the difference of the last two equations gives:

By the chain rule, the total time derivative of my conserved quantity is:

\frac{d}{dt}E\left(P,Z\right)=\frac{dZ}{dt}\frac{\partial}{\partial Z}E\left(P,Z\right)+\frac{dP}{dt}\frac{\partial}{\partial P}E\left(P,Z\right)

so then the following should hold:

\frac{\partial}{\partial Z}E\left(P,Z\right)=\left(a\frac{1}{Z}-b\right)~\text{and}~
\frac{\partial}{\partial P}E\left(P,Z\right)=\left(d\frac{1}{P}-c\right)


E\left(P,Z\right)=\int\left(a\frac{1}{Z}-b\right)\partial Z=\int\left(d\frac{1}{P}-c\right)\partial P



Edit and this quantity is conserved! I had a bad calculus mistake.

Best Answer

I have edited the original post to include the correct derivation. My mathematical weakness showed when I confused integration with differentiation!