[Math] determination of the volume of a parallelepiped

calculuslinear algebravectors

Here is a parallelepiped.I want to determine the volume of the parallelepiped.

enter image description here

One of my friends said to me that the volume of the parallelepiped can be found out by the following formula.

$${\rm Volume}=|\vec a\cdot(\vec b\times \vec c)|$$

I can not understand why and how this formula works? Can anyone explain with clarification.

Best Answer

Think of it this way: Area of the parallelogram formed by the vectors $\vec{b}$ and $\vec{c}$ is given by $|\vec{b} \times \vec{c}|$. This is easy to see because the area of a parallelogram is $base \times height = c b \sin \theta $ where $\theta$ is the angle between $\vec{b}$ and $\vec{c}$.

In order to get the volume, we need to multiply this area by the projection of $\vec{a}$ along the direction perpendicular to the parallelogram formed by $\vec{b}$ and $\vec{c}$ which is given by the formula you have mentioned because $ \vec{b} \times \vec{c} $ is a vector perpendicular to the plane (the idea is the same - $base \times height$ - the base is now an area rather than a length)