[Math] Determinant of an ill conditioned matrix

determinantlinear algebranumerical linear algebranumerical methods

I have the following ill conditioned matrix. I want to find its determinant. How is it possible to calculate it without much error
Let us call this matrix $A$. I want to find the determinant of $3.8233e17\times A$. MATLAB gives it as $4.5836e-013$. But is there a better way to do it in more accurate way. One information that may be helpful in answering this question is that I know the accurate $\log$ values of each element of the matrix. For e.g., I know the accurate log value of $A(1,1) = 4.6169e90$ and similarly for each element.

Best Answer

This problem is difficult for numerical rather than computational reasons. Part of the problem is that you really need to be confident that the matrix is full rank, because if it is not, then a single error can make a determinant very large when it should actually be zero. For illustration, suppose we were trying to compute the determinant of

$$A =\begin{bmatrix} M & M \\ M & M \end{bmatrix}$$

where $M$ is very large. This determinant is of course $0$. Let's say some roundoff gave us

$$B = \begin{bmatrix} M & M \\ M & (M+\varepsilon) \end{bmatrix}$$

for some small $\varepsilon$. Now $A$ has determinant $0$ but $B$ has determinant $M\varepsilon$, which may be quite large. The coefficient gets much larger in higher dimensions (though it is always first order, as the determinant is a polynomial in the entries).

If you are confident that the matrix is full rank, then my best suggestion would be to perform an SVD, check to see that all the singular values are nonzero, then if they are not, do it again in higher precision.

Edit: there is one more thing you can do. Because $\text{det}(A)=\text{det}(A^T)$, you can perform column operations. In this case what you should do is rescale the matrix so that the largest entry in each column is $1$. You will multiply column $x_i$ by a number $c_i$, which will also multiply the determinant by $c_i$. Accordingly you will want to divide the final result by $c_i$, so that you get the determinant of the matrix you started with. You will still find that the matrix is extremely ill-conditioned afterward; for example you will still have a column with one entry of order $1$ and another of order $10^{-40}$. But the conflict between the first two columns and the rest will be gone.