Linear Algebra – Determinant of a Real Skew-Symmetric Matrix as Square of an Integer

determinantlinear algebramatricesskew-symmetric matrices

Let $A$ be a real skew-symmetric matrix with integer entries. Show that $\operatorname{det}{A}$ is square of an integer.

Here is my idea: If $A$ is skew-symmetric matrix of odd order, then $\operatorname{det}{A}$ is zero. So, take $A$ to be of even order and non-singular. Since all the eigenvalues of $A$ are of the form $ia$ and its conjugate (where $a$ is real number), we see that $\operatorname{det}{A}$ is square of a real number. But I am not getting how to show it is square of an integer.

Best Answer

A proof by induction is given in David J. Buontempo, The determinant of a skew-symmetric matrix, The Mathematical Gazette, Vol. 66, No. 435, Mar., 1982, Note 66.15, pages 67-69. If you have access to jstor, it's here. The proof does not depend on the Pfaffian.

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