[Math] Determinant of a block lower triangular matrix

block matricesdeterminantlinear algebramatrices

I'm trying to prove the following: Let $A$ be a $k\times k$ matrix, let $D$ have size $n\times n$, and $C$ have size $n\times k$. Then,

\end{array}\right) = \det(A)\det(D).$$

Can I just say that $AD – 0C = AD$, and I'm done?

Best Answer

If $A$ is singular, its rows are linearly dependent, hence the rows of the entire matrix are linearly dependent, hence boths sides of the equation vanish.

If $A$ is not singular, we have


The determinants of the two new matrices are perhaps easier to derive from the Laplace expansion than that of the entire matrix. They are $1$ and $\det A \det D$, respectively, and the result follows.

Another way to express this is that if $A$ is not singular you can get rid of $C$ by Gaussian elimination.

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