[Math] Describe the equivalence relation of the following set with the given partition.


Describe the equivalence relation of the following set with the given partition.

$ \Bbb N $ , $ \{\{ 1 \}, \{2,3 \}, \{4,5,6,7\},\{8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15\}….\} . $

What this question has me confused about is what it wants me to accomplish. Am I supposed to make an equation from this set and analyze if it is reflexive,symmetric, or transitive? Then the part of the partition also throws me off. I know that $p$ is partition of $a$ iff $p$ is a set of subsets of $a$. What I am looking for in this question is a hint in the right direction so that I may produce an answer. I also know that the sets here are restricted so that it must be greater than $0$. Or $\left(x \;\text{ and }\; y \right)$ $\in$ $\Bbb N$. Any hints on how to proceed would be good.


Def: Let A be nonempty set $. \mathscr P$ is partition of A iff $. \mathscr P$ is a set of subsets of A such that

$(i) \quad \text{If } X \in \mathscr P, \text{then} \; x\not = \varnothing $

$(ii)\; If \;x\in \mathscr P \; \text{and} \; y \in \mathscr P, \text{then } x=y \text{ or } x \cap y = \varnothing$

$(iii) \; \cup_{x \in \mathscr P} X = A$

Best Answer

Partition of a set $X$ is a collection of pairwise disjoint subsets of $X$ such that union of all these subsets gives $X$. Any partition naturally sets an equivalence relation and vise versa. The partition in your question can be set by equivalence relation that can be described in many ways. For example like this: we say that $x$ is equivalent to $y$ if $x$ and $y$ have the same number of digits in binary representation. Check, that this an equivalence relation and that classes of equivalence form exactly your partition.